Dodgeball captains' guide

We know how much work it is to captain a team, so we want to make it as easy as possible for you to get the job done. This guide will show you the ins and outs.

Rule changes

  • Volunteer refs. Teams will be scheduled to ref one game each night. Two people from the reffing team are required to be at the game. We understand this will be a learning experience for most people, and Play Sask staff and other players will be happy to help.

  • No headshots in Casual leagues. In Casual leagues, if players are hit in the head, including putting their hands up to block a ball that would have hit their head, the thrower is out. Headshots will continue to be legal in Competitive leagues.

  • 60-second rule in Casual leagues. In Casual leagues, if the last player on the court can stay alive for 60 seconds, the first player out can rejoin the game. A stopwatch must be set to count the time. Teams may call a time-out to start a timer. There is no 60-second rule in Competitive games.

Dodgeball Rules

The first games are Tuesday, April 9 and Wednesday, April 10


The Tuesday league starts April 9, and all games will be played at Victoria School at 7 PM and 8 PM.

There are 9 regular-season games, and the top 4 teams will go to the playoffs. The semi-finals and final will be on June 11.


The Wednesday league starts April 10, and we're trialling a new format to allow for full-court games! Teams will play two 20-minutes games per night and ref/shag for one game. One team each week will have a bye. All games will be played at River Heights School.

There are eight regular-season weeks, with each team playing each other four times. The semi-finals and the final on June 4 will include all teams. The final will be a 40-minute game.

Sign the waiver to play

Your teammates must sign the waiver to play! We'll use the roster registered through the waiver to determine the winning team prize count at the end of the season. Waiver link:

Questions? Email or call/text Ashleigh at 306-292-1819!

Last updated